RNWR Stock Analysis
808 Renewable Energy Corp is uncovered by Eyestock quantitative analysis.
808 Renewable Energy Corp. owns and operates on-site cogeneration systems that produce energy in the form of electricity, heat, hot water and chilled water. The company is headquartered in Bradenton, Florida. The company went IPO on 2014-07-21. The firm operates in two divisions, Aviation and Reverse Trike. The company maintains a Website at www.silverlightaviation.com for the Aviation Division and www.silverlightev.com for the Reverse Trike Division. The firm is manufacturing a two-seat gyrocopter American Ranger 1 (AR-1). The AR-1 is a modern gyroplane manufactured in the United States in its 12,000-square-foot factory located in the greater Tampa Bay area of central Florida. The company also offers buyers assistance at its facility. The firm's subsidiaries include SilverLight Aviation, LLC and Silverlight Electric Vehicle Inc.