CMCL Stock Analysis
Based on Eyestock quantitative analysis, CMCL`s fundamental data and valuation indicate an investment grade of Neutral at the current time.
To assess the quality of a company's business, we have collected all financial data from the statements and presented them in the form of a single number - the company's rating. Rating value of 100 is the threshold for determining a viable investment.
Moderate score
To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.
Market cap $B
Dividend yield
5.00 %
Shares outstanding
17.283 B
Caledonia Mining Corp. Plc engages in the mining, exploration, and development of mines. The firm operates through two segments: Zimbabwe and South Africa. The Zimbabwe segment comprises Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited, Blanket Mine (1983) (Private) Limited and Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited. The South African segment is involved in sales made by Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited to the Blanket Mine. The Company’s primary asset is the Blanket Mine in Zimbabwe. The Blanket Gold Mine is a Zimbabwean gold mine, which operates at a depth of approximately 750 meters below surface and produced approximately 55,000 ounces of gold. The Blanket Gold Mine also holds brownfield exploration and development projects both on the existing mine area and on its satellite properties, which are within trucking distance of the Blanket metallurgical recovery plant. The firm also holds Motapa gold exploration property in Southern Zimbabwe.