FUSB Stock Analysis
First US Bancshares Inc is uncovered by Eyestock quantitative analysis.
To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.
Market cap $B
Dividend yield
1.60 %
Shares outstanding
5.869 B
First US Bancshares, Inc. operates as a holding company for First U.S. Bank. The company is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama and currently employs 155 full-time employees. The Bank conducts a general commercial banking business and offers banking services, such as demand, savings, individual retirement account and time deposits, personal and commercial loans, safe deposit box services and remote deposit capture. The Bank has two wholly owned subsidiaries: Acceptance Loan Company, Inc. (ALC) and FUSB Reinsurance, Inc. (FUSB Reinsurance). FUSB Reinsurance underwrites credit life and credit accident and health insurance policies sold to the Bank’s and ALC’s consumer loan customers. FUSB Reinsurance is responsible for the first level of risk on these policies up to a specified maximum amount, and a primary third-party insurer retains the remaining risk. The Bank operates and serves its customers through approximately 15 full-service banking offices. The Bank provides a range of commercial banking services to small and medium sized businesses, property managers, professionals and other individuals.