Frequently Asked Questions
What sector does Heritage-Crystal operate in?
Heritage-Crystal operates in Industrials sector
What is market capitalization of Heritage-Crystal?
Market cap of Heritage-Crystal is 1.108 USD as of 10 Jan 2025
What is market price of one HCCI stock?
Market price of one HCCI stock is - USD as of 10 Jan 2025
What is Heritage-Crystal revenue?
According to the recent report Heritage-Crystal revenue is 192.17
What is Heritage-Crystal net income?
According to the recent report Heritage-Crystal net income is 8.642
What is Heritage-Crystal net income growth rate?
Net income growth rate of Heritage-Crystal is -60
What is Heritage-Crystal gross margin?
Heritage-Crystal has gross margin of — for the last 12 months
What is Heritage-Crystal net profit margin?
Heritage-Crystal has net profit margin of 10 for the last 12 months
How much assets does Heritage-Crystal have?
According to the recent report Heritage-Crystal assets amount to 812.79
How much equity does Heritage-Crystal have?
According to the recent report Heritage-Crystal equity amount to 455.9
How much debt does Heritage-Crystal have?
According to the recent report Heritage-Crystal debt amount to 84.479
What is debt/equity ratio of Heritage-Crystal?
NAME has debt/equity ratio of 0.235 for the last 12 months
What is current ratio of Heritage-Crystal?
Heritage-Crystal has current ratio of 1.406 for the last 12 months
What is ROA of Heritage-Crystal?
Heritage-Crystal has ROA of 10 for the last 12 months
What is ROE of Heritage-Crystal?
Heritage-Crystal has ROE of 18 for the last 12 months
What is ROIC of Heritage-Crystal?
Heritage-Crystal has ROIC of 10 for the last 12 months
What is HCCI stock P/E?
HCCI stock P/E is 11.778
What is HCCI stock P/S?
HCCI stock P/S is —
What is HCCI stock P/B?
HCCI stock P/B is —
What is HCCI stock PEG?
HCCI stock PEG is —