View Section: Eyestock Rating
Ebix Fair Value
EBIX stock is not valued by Eyestock.
Historical price or reporting data is not enough to analyze the value of the company
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Ebix Valuation
The fair value level of 1.97 USD can be considered as an effective entry point for long-term investors to start investing in EBIX stock. For a more in-depth assessment, we provide a minimum value that can be used to increase a stock position and a maximum one that can be used to reduce it.
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Market price
Current market price
Fair value
Min value
Max value
Market price:
* Eyestock is not operated by a broker, a dealer, or a registered investment adviser. Under no circumstances does any information posted on represent a recommendation to buy or sell a security.
Ebix Inc price metrics
Annual return (geometric mean)
Risk (standard deviation) of returns
Beta (volatility compared to market)
It means that EBIX stock and the market have an inverse correlation
View Section: Profitability