NAPCO Security Technologies IncNASDAQ NSSC Stock Report

Last reporting period 30 Sep, 2024

Updated 06 Jan, 2025

Last price

Market cap $B




XNAS - Nasdaq

NSSC Stock Analysis



Based on Eyestock quantitative analysis, NSSC`s fundamental data and valuation indicate an investment grade of Attractive at the current time.


To assess the quality of a company's business, we have collected all financial data from the statements and presented them in the form of a single number - the company's rating. Rating value of 100 is the threshold for determining a viable investment.


High score


To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.

64.5 %

Greatly undervalued

Market cap $B


Dividend yield

1.17 %

Shares outstanding

36.746 B

Napco Security Technologies, Inc. engages in the development, manufacture, and distribution of security products. The company is headquartered in Amityville, New York and currently employs 1,149 full-time employees. The firm offers a diversified array of security products, encompassing access control systems, door-locking products, intrusion and fire alarm systems and video surveillance products. The products are used by commercial, residential, institutional, industrial and governmental applications, and are sold worldwide to independent distributors, dealers and installers of security equipment. The company manufactures and markets various products for alarm systems, which include automatic communicators, control panels, combination control panels/digital communicators and digital keypad systems, fire alarm control panel and area detectors. The company also manufactures a variety of door locking devices including microprocessor-based electronic door locks with push button, card reader and bio-metric operation, door alarms, door locks and bolt locks.

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