UVE Stock Analysis
Universal Insurance Holdings Inc is uncovered by Eyestock quantitative analysis.
To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.
Market cap $B
Dividend yield
4.68 %
Shares outstanding
30.431 B
Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc. operates as a holding company offering property and casualty insurance and value-added insurance services. The company is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and currently employs 1,223 full-time employees. The firm develops, markets and underwrites insurance products for consumers predominantly in the personal residential homeowners lines of business, and performs all other insurance-related services for its primary insurance entities. Its primary insurance entities, Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Company (UPCIC) and American Platinum Property and Casualty Insurance Company (APPCIC), offer insurance products through both its appointed independent agent network and our online distribution channels across 19 states (primarily in Florida), with licenses to write insurance in two additional states. UPCIC offers personal residential insurance including homeowners, renters/tenants, condo unit owners, and dwelling/fire. UPCIC also offers allied lines, coverage for other structures, and personal property, liability and personal articles coverage.