ITT IncNYSE ITT Stock Report

Last reporting period 28 Sep, 2024

Updated 13 Nov, 2024

Last price

Market cap $B




XNYS - New York Stock Exchange, Inc

ITT Stock Analysis



Based on Eyestock quantitative analysis, ITT`s fundamental data and valuation indicate an investment grade of Neutral at the current time.


To assess the quality of a company's business, we have collected all financial data from the statements and presented them in the form of a single number - the company's rating. Rating value of 100 is the threshold for determining a viable investment.


Moderate score


To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.

-14.2 %


Market cap $B


Dividend yield

1.01 %

Shares outstanding

82.7 B

ITT Inc. is a manufacturer of engineered critical components and customized technology solutions for the transportation, industrial and energy markets. The Company operates through three segments: Motion Technologies (MT), Industrial Process (IP), and Connect & Control Technologies (CCT). The MT segment is a manufacturer of brake pads, shims, shock absorbers, energy absorption components, and sealing technologies primarily for the transportation industry, including passenger cars and trucks, light- and heavy-duty commercial and military vehicles, buses, and rail. The IP segment is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and an aftermarket parts and service provider offering portfolio of industrial pumps, valves, and plant optimization and remote monitoring systems and services. The CCT segment designs and manufactures a range of engineered connectors and specialized products for various markets, including aerospace and defense, industrial, transportation, medical, and oil and gas.

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