LGI.SW Stock Analysis
Legal & General Group PLC is uncovered by Eyestock quantitative analysis.
To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.
Greatly overvalued
Market cap $B
Dividend yield
11.40 %
Shares outstanding
5 930.6 B
Legal & General Group Plc engages in the provision of risk, savings and investment management products and services. The Company’s segments include: Legal & General Retirement Institutional (LGRI), Legal & General Capital (LGC), Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), Insurance, and Retail Retirement. LGRI segment represents worldwide pension risk transfer business including longevity insurance. LGC segment represents shareholder assets invested in direct investments primarily in the areas of specialist commercial real estate, clean energy, housing, and small and medium enterprises (SME) finance, as well as traded and treasury assets. LGIM segment represents institutional and retail investment management. Insurance segment primarily represents UK protection (both group and retail) and Fintech business (UK Insurance and other), as well as US retail protection business (US Insurance). Retail Retirement segment primarily represents retail annuity and drawdown products, workplace savings and lifetime mortgage loans.