
Your source for expert analysis and investment ideas based on Eyestock Ratings and Valuations

Would You Buy Red Bull Stock? Energy Drink Companies Overview
Would You Buy Red Bull Stock? Energy Drink Companies Overview

We really enjoyed the research experience we gained from finding and analyzing financial data from private companies like Lego and IKEA. We wrote about them in Dreaming of buying LEGO stock and Investing in IKEA stocks articles. It was exciting work that led to us being able to evaluate these companies using the Eyestock rating. […]

Hermes Unveiled: Crafting Luxury, Shaping Investments.
Hermes Unveiled: Crafting Luxury, Shaping Investments.

Introduction: Background and Overview: Hermes International SCA, a paragon of luxury and refinement, stands as a beacon of timeless elegance in the realm of fashion and craftsmanship. Established in the heart of Paris, Ile-De-France, this iconic company has woven a tapestry of unparalleled artistry and innovation since its inception. The uniqueness of Hermes lies not […]

Investing in IKEA stocks
Investing in IKEA stocks

Not long ago we published an article analyzing the financial condition of Lego company. Although Lego stocks cannot be purchased on any exchange since the company is private, we found reports, evaluated the business, and calculated the rating using the Eyestock valuation model. This experience seemed very interesting to us, and we decided to continue. […]

Annual letter to shareholders transcript
Annual letter to shareholders transcript

On February 24, Warren Buffett released his traditional message to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, where he shared his thoughts on investments, summed up some analysis of 2023 for the company, and also spoke about prospects. We analyzed the entire letter and would like to share with you the main points and conclusions that we came to. […]

Dreaming of buying LEGO stock
Dreaming of buying LEGO stock

Warren Buffett claimed that it is better to invest in shares of those companies whose services or products you use. And what’s more, you enjoy it. Peter Lynch, another great investor, was looking for new investment ideas for his fund while performing the duties of the daily shopping routine. And many times he found great […]