
Your source for expert analysis and investment ideas based on Eyestock Ratings and Valuations

Stock Valuation Calculator
Stock Valuation Calculator

Investment is not a simple process that requires the right approach, discipline and certain knowledge. We try to simplify the decision-making process by systematizing and filtering out unnecessary information, but some things cannot be excluded. We are talking about assessing the quality of the company whose stocks we are going to buy, as well as […]

Invest with Clarity or How To Avoid Investments Like Buying BGLC Stocks?
Invest with Clarity or How To Avoid Investments Like Buying BGLC Stocks?

We regularly receive questions from our users and visitors about the way we use the Eyestock Rating, as well as verifying stock valuations within actual portfolios using our analytics platform. Since we had to sort out truly unique queries, the idea was born to write this methodological article to answer most of the questions at […]

Five Most Overvalued Stocks Right Now
Five Most Overvalued Stocks Right Now

We continue the topic of overvalued stocks against one of the most memorable rallies in the S&P500 index in the November-April time interval. Let us remind you that the index grew by 25%. And some studies predict at least a temporary stock market decline in May in such cases. Today we will share insights into […]

8 Stocks To Sell In May And Go Away
8 Stocks To Sell In May And Go Away

The S&P 500 index rose a stunning 25% from November to April. Year-to-date market return is 9% (as of 12 April), even though the compound annual growth rate over the past 5 years was 13.7%. When should investors sell stocks saving their profits?We have already mentioned the alarming increase in gold prices and a possible […]

Warren Buffett Portfolio Investment Strategy
Warren Buffett Portfolio Investment Strategy

Not long ago, we shared our interpretation of Warren Buffett’s letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Also at the beginning of the year, we compiled a stock collection from the largest positions in the guru’s portfolio at the end of 2023. Today we will take the risk of evaluating the famous investor`s portfolio and maybe make […]

Understanding the Income Statement of Arista Network
Understanding the Income Statement of Arista Network

The company overviewArista Networks, Inc. (ANET) engages in the business of developing, marketing, and selling cloud networking solutions. The firm cloud networking solutions consist of its Extensible Operating System (EOS), a set of network applications and its Gigabit Ethernet switching and routing platforms. The firm sells its products through both its direct sales force and […]

10 steps to analyze a company
10 steps to analyze a company

Why analyze a company when you buy its shares?You essentially become a co-owner of the business. Imagine that a friend of yours offered you a profitable investment in some business — would you begin to figure out what kind of business it is and what it can bring you? Obviously. But for some reason, when […]