CDNS Stock Analysis
Based on Eyestock quantitative analysis, CDNS`s fundamental data and valuation indicate an investment grade of Avoid at the current time.
To assess the quality of a company's business, we have collected all financial data from the statements and presented them in the form of a single number - the company's rating. Rating value of 100 is the threshold for determining a viable investment.
Moderate score
To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.
Greatly overvalued
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. is an electronic system designing company. The Company's Custom IC Design and Simulation offerings are used by its customers to create schematic and physical representations of circuits down to the transistor level for analog, mixed-signal, custom digital, memory and radio frequency (RF) designs. Its Digital IC Design and Signoff solutions are used to create logical representations of a digital circuit or an integrated circuit (IC) that can be verified for correctness prior to implementation. The Company’s Functional Verification products are used by its customers to verify that the circuitry or the software they have designed is consistent with the functional specification. Its IP offerings consist of pre-verified, customizable functional blocks. Its System Design and Analysis offerings are used by its customers to develop printed circuit boards (PCBs) and advanced IC packages and to analyze electromagnetic, electro-thermal and other multi-physics effects.