FabrinetNYSE FN Stock Report

Last reporting period 27 Sep, 2024

Updated 03 Jan, 2025

Last price

Market cap $B




XNYS - New York Stock Exchange, Inc

FN Stock Analysis



Based on Eyestock quantitative analysis, FN`s fundamental data and valuation indicate an investment grade of Avoid at the current time.


To assess the quality of a company's business, we have collected all financial data from the statements and presented them in the form of a single number - the company's rating. Rating value of 100 is the threshold for determining a viable investment.


High score


To determine whether the current price is a reasonable to buy a stock, we compare it to our estimate of fair value. The more undervalued a stock is, the higher the upside.

-19.6 %

Greatly overvalued

Market cap $B


Dividend yield

Shares outstanding

36.609 B

Fabrinet engages in the provision of optical packaging and electronic manufacturing services to original equipment manufacturers. The company is headquartered in Pathumtani, Pathum Thani and currently employs 14,235 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2010-06-25. The firm provides advanced optical packaging and precision optical, electro-mechanical and electronic manufacturing services to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of complex products, such as optical communication components, modules and sub-systems, industrial lasers, automotive components, medical devices and sensors. The firm offers a range of advanced optical and electro-mechanical capabilities across the entire manufacturing process, including process design and engineering, supply chain management, manufacturing, complex printed circuit board assembly, advanced packaging, integration, final assembly and testing. The firm focuses primarily on the production of low-volume, high-mix products. The principal subsidiaries of Fabrinet include Fabrinet Co., Ltd., Casix, Inc., Fabrinet West, Inc., Fabrinet UK Limited and Fabrinet Israel Ltd.

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