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HKFoods OyjHEL HKFoods

Последний отчетный период 30 июня, 2024

Обновлено 17 окт., 2024

Последняя цена

Капитализация млрд. $




XHEL - Nasdaq Helsinki LTD

Анализ акций HKFOODS.HE


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Для оценки качества бизнеса компании мы собрали все финансовые данные из отчетов и представили их в виде одного числа - рейтинга компании. Значение рейтинга 100 является пороговым для определения актуальной инвестиционной идеи.


Низкий рейтинг

Капитализация млрд. $


Дивидендная доходность


85.175 млрд

Сайт компании


HKScan Oyj engages in the manufacture, sale, and marketing of pork, beef, poultry and lamb products, processed meats, and convenience foods. The company is headquartered in Turku, Lansi-Suomen and currently employs 2,834 full-time employees. The firm is primarily engaged in the provision of fresh meat, processed meat, poultry products and convenience foods. Its widely recognized iconic brands include HK, Kariniemen and Rose. The firm operates in Finland, Poland and Denmark. In Finland, HKScan produces, markets and sells pork, beef, poultry, meat products and meals through its various well-respected brands, such as HK, Kariniemen and Via. Its customers are the retail, food service, industrial and export sectors. In Denmark, the Company produce, market and sell poultry products with consumer brand Rose. The firm's biggest shareholder is LSO Osuuskunta. The firm is headquartered in Turku.

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