Анализ акций CXT
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Для оценки качества бизнеса компании мы собрали все финансовые данные из отчетов и представили их в виде одного числа - рейтинга компании. Значение рейтинга 100 является пороговым для определения актуальной инвестиционной идеи.
Низкий рейтинг
Капитализация млрд. $
Дивидендная доходность
1.02 %
57.13 млрд
Сайт компании
https://www.cranenxt.comCrane NXT Co. is an industrial technology company which provides trusted technology solutions to secure, detect, and authenticate to its customers. The company is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts and currently employs 4,000 full-time employees. The firm operates through two segments: Crane Payment Innovations (CPI) and Security and Authentication Technologies. The CPI segment provides electronic equipment and associated software leveraging extensive and proprietary core capabilities with various detection and sensing technologies for applications, including verification and authentication of payment transactions. The Security and Authentication Technologies segment provides advanced security solutions based on proprietary technology for securing physical products, including banknotes, consumer goods and industrial products. The Security and Authentication Technologies segment also provides brand protection and authentication solutions. The firm operates in the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, Germany, Sweden, and Malta.